Monday, December 29, 2008

Do You Set Goals or Resolutions?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on setting New Year's Resolutions or goals for 2009. Do you set them only to break them? Or have you broken so many resolutions that this year you've vowed not to set any . . . period.

I'm setting two resolutions this year: 1) to finish a writing project and 2) get rid of clutter in my home and create a more inspirational home.

What do you see as success in not just setting a goal, but actually following through with it? What are your goals/resolutions (if any) for 2009?


  1. Great concept...I love it! I do have QUITE a few, but will be carefully thinking them through before posting any comments about it. ;)

  2. That's smart! I happened to catch Joyce Meyer on tv this afternoon and she was sharing how important it is to devote yourself to your purpose and not get distracted by other people's purpose. She stressed the importance of starting your day with God through meditation on God's Word and prayer. I thought this may be a better NY's resolution, perhaps I would get my project done if I put my priorities in order. I must say, it is a challenge to make time for what is most important and what could be more important than being in relationship with our Creator.


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